Sesame seeds are one of the oldest known oilseeds ever. If you refer to Wikipedia you will find that sesame seed has been referred as the oldest oilseed known to human beings. But that is not the only interesting thing about it. This seed is known for popular for its unique and wholesome properties. It is popularly used in various cuisines. This popularity is not confined to India or Asia only; rather it is one of the most sought after oilseed around the globe. This is the reason that the demand of it is increasing every year.
When it comes to leading exporter of sesame seeds and spices from India, Fazlani is the name that comes to the fore. Fazlani Exports is a part of Sopariwala Group of companies has been in operating in India and abroad for almost a decade now. However, the main company is several decades old and has always been known for its supreme quality products. It applies to Fazlani as well. The company is one of the most sought after exporter of sesame seeds and spices from India. This present status of the company can very easily be credited to its ability to meet the growing demands of Indian spices and pickles without letting importer comprise even slightly on quality and authenticity.
How does Fazlani make it possible? How has it continuously been able to export high quality sesame seeds? The first reason for this is the philosophy and visions that the company works with. A strict adherence to quality is practiced and there is no tolerance policy against standards. The second import reason of it is that it sources natural seeds from various parts of India. Sourcing of products is supervised with strict adherence to quality. This is the reason the brand today has become synonymous with high quality Indian spices and pickles.